He says "I will use the National Guard or the Military against the enemy within" then says "Here are the people I'm referring to as the enemy within". If you (and those like you) can't make the very small leap that Trump doesn't like to be challenged (which is literally something that happens every day of your life as the president), then apparently we deserve everything that he will bring with his chaos.
His own cabinet vocally advocating against him is all I need to know about his character. In fairness, our time as an empire is in its last age. He's likely the final nail in our coffin.
As Padme Amidala says, "So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause." And I would add by violent, uneducated thugs. Maybe this doesn't describe you, but if you've ever seen the participants at his rallies, you know exactly what I'm talking about. He, somehow, manages to bring out the worst of society. I'm sure it's because of his upstanding character.