I am definitely not only leery of those who send out creepy vibes. I'm leery of any man I'm in a vulnerable position with. And as an experienced woman, I simply do not put myself in those situations. So your point is well taken - though I tried to be clear that I was talking about those who have vocally expressed ill intent.
There was a survey done wherein men were asked - if they had a ten minutes (I can't remember the exact amount of time) to do whatever they wanted and no one would ever find out - what would they do. An overwhelming percentage of them said they would have their way with a specific woman. So I believe you are 100% correct in your assertion that most men would take advantage of a woman if they believed no one would ever find out.
I've heard statistics about issues with men working in mortuaries. I can't even bring myself to research whether or not those are true. Because EWWW.
It truly is alarming what some men will do in order to get their sexual "needs" satisfied. As a society, it is a problem we need to address.
Thank you for reading and commenting!