I am wondering if the desire to be with more than one partner is simply one end of the sexual spectrum. I don't feel sexual desire for someone I don't have a connection with, and I can't have a connection with more than one person at a time. So monogamy is sexually exciting and fulfilling for me. Same for my partner. He only has eyes for me (and yes, I know this to be true, not simply something he tells me to make me feel good). We're on one end of the spectrum.
Someone, like you, who doesn't feel excitement and fulfillment in monogamy, but rather needs multiple partners seems like just the other end of the same spectrum.
I do wonder if you've not stumbled upon the depth of connection required to make monogamy hot - but I certainly will not pretend that everyone finds it in this life.
Either way, just be safe out there! The one biggest selling point for monogamy is the decreased physical risks - especially for women.