I can only say that I was in a relationship that ended, mostly owing to my inability to meet him where he was in his love for me. It's been 3 years since it ended, but I never stopped working because I knew happiness would be waiting in our reconciliation.
I also met a friend here on Medium who has been instrumental as well. If ever I had a guardian angel it's him. So between the two men in my life showing me a better way and finally just becoming so tired of myself that something fundamental was stripped away, I finally had a break through.
I couldn't have done it alone, and as you can see there was no step by step. I do follow a teacher named Guy Finley www.guyfinley.org who has also been instrumental in helping me see myself more clearly, so I think it was in answer to the truest desires of my heart as well as my willingness to keep working to truly see myself.