I think one of the biggest problems we have as a society is not knowing how to pick a partner who is right for us. Many of the issues you list here seem to be a direct result of being in relationships with women who don't love or respect you.
I can see myself in these statements. But only when I was with men whom I ended up despising. When I finally met a man who was my equal and whom I loved deeply, I appreciated everything he did for me and expressed it regularly.
I feel we are not taught how to find connection but rather we find someone we are physically attracted to. But attraction fades when there's no connection. Finding someone who gives us butterflies (which is literally nature's alarm system), will rarely yield a solid relationship because the butterflies tell us something is wrong.
A true love feels peaceful when it is found. As Monica Drake said, "The Buddhists say if you meet somebody and your heart pounds, your hands shake, your knees go weak, that's not the one.
"When you meet your 'soul mate', you'll feel calm. No anxiety, no agitation."
If we learn to pick better partners, we will also get better results - but that also means men will have to be the partner they want to find. It means being a fully formed human looking for another fully formed human - not a domestic servant to wait on you.
I believe we'll get there, but there will definitely be a learning curve.