I think what you're seeing is a celebration of freedom. Some women (like me) don't care much if men make changes because we have opted out of the dating pool. We're mostly just expressing whatever we want to express because we finally CAN.
It doesn't feel that different to me than a slave being freed and finally being able to express what he was unable to while a slave. Do you think he wants to make friends with the white family that had no problem beating him and selling off his kids? Nope. He just wants to air his grievances and be validated.
Similarly, women have been enslaved as domestic baby making labor. We weren't allowed to work, own property, even have a bank account until VERY recently. We, only recently, have control over our whole lives. So yeah, we have some things to say about the horrendous mistreatment we've endured at the hands of so so many bad men.
Are we at the table ready to have a conversation about meeting you halfway? For many of us, that is a hard pass. We're still celebrating our freedom and discovering what freedom even means to each of us as individuals, and to be honest, we don't care how it affects the men of the world.