I think you are hitting on a very important point here - that having a life that you are happy in isn't enough if it can't be shared with a partner.
I think that's an unhealthy dynamic we've created in our society - and not just for men. Young men and young women are so driven to find a partner (which sadly, is mostly biological anyway) - before they're even close to ready - and it creates utter chaos. We now have a whole lot of men and women coupled up, eventually having babies, and they do not know themselves well enough to choose a solid partnership. You see the fallout from these disastrous relationships every day.
And it's all an animalistic drive simply to mate. I think it would serve society to rise above our animal instincts (as we were given a higher brain to do) and find a better way to find and engage in relationships. Mindless, biologically driven mating has created the shit show we're currently living in.