I wish I would have learned much earlier in life that I'm far too independent to share my life. Even the partner I had who did all the house work and cleaning and was the emotional support I always thought I needed thought he had a say in whether I finished my master's degree (he didn't want me to because it cut into his time with me) and how much time I spent with my grandkids (he thought once or twice a month for a few hours was good enough even though they lived 5 min away).
I don't know any single women who have regrets like those of us who wasted years with men who made us compromise our values, time, and ambitions. I'm grateful for the kids and grandkids that came from my relationships, but I do not regret choosing to be single from here on out.
I finished my master's degree and created a multi-generational home for my kids and grandkids who now all live with me.