I'm not saying we don't discuss the issues. I'm simply saying let's take a moment to realize where each of us is coming from.
You are seeing women opting out of relationships completely because of the nightmares they've watched their own mothers (and other female relatives endure). It doesn't matter that it didn't happen directly to them, because they've witnessed it firsthand. They've likely even been the recipient of at least one man's poor treatment.
I'm saying, if you'd like us to come back to the table, you might want to at least acknowledge the relationship imbalances that we are literally just barely escaping.
Young men may not have participated in the abusive marriages - but the patriarchy is deeply ingrained in them. That's why you see young men leaning right and young women leaning left. We don't agree on much at this point.
There are shitty women in relationships - absolutely - but systemically they have not held power over men. That's the difference.
I think we're missing a key element when we talk about having these discussions and that is - is there even a desire to have relationships at this point? Women have asserted our independence, men don't want the kind of wives we're willing to be at this point, so is there anything to discuss? Women have said we're fine being alone. We don't want to sacrifice our bodies and careers and financial independence to have babies. If men want something different they're going to have to figure out how to be attractive partners for the women who are opting out.
But I say we all stay single.