I'm sorry you're in a marriage where you aren't valued. School is a difficult topic right now because I don't think people truly understand the hot mess it is. I'm supporting my daughter while she homeschools my grandson because schools are understaffed and a toxic environment at this point. It's gotten much worse just in the few years since my kids all graduated.
So good for you, Mama! Knowing what's best for your own kids should always be the priority. And if their dad doesn't see it then maybe once the kids are raised you get tf outta there.
My son's ex gf (who is now a forever family friend) is 20 and only supposed to be an aide, but there is a class at her school that doesn't even have a teacher yet, so she's basically stepped into the teacher role - with literally no training. I have to wonder if the parents know.
I honestly think a SAHM is incapable of being a gold digger. Staying home with kids is much harder work than going to a job (with maybe a few exceptions). Not to mention the financial sacrifices that most people must make for it to work.
As far as men, I agree that we need to focus on the positive where possible, but I think I'm learning that some men are just assholes and lost causes. But for the rest, encouraging the good behavior is obviously more effective than the constant negativity.