It was 1974 before women could obtain a mortgage without a male cosigner, so no, it hasn't been very long. I'm sure men had no problem letting women work, they simply didn't allow them their freedom. Those are very different things. Very similar to when slaves first got their freedom but weren't actually free due to societal structures designed to hold them down (which they are still dealing with today).
If women ran the world, do you really think we'd still be at war over every little conflict? You men keep telling me how women have far superior skills in listening and communication, so if you're implying that we'd need men to do the fighting, I say it's men causing the wars to begin with.
My sons were on the receiving end of their father's abuse as well. They don't need me to tell them there are a lot of shitty men around. We have conversations regularly in which we delve into what toxic masculinity is and what healthy masculinity is. I have utmost respect for the men in my life who set the example of healthy masculinity. But I have zero tolerance for toxic masculinity.