My Covert Narc Ex Texted to Wish Me A Happy Anniversary Today

Still love bombing even after all these years

Author provided image of text messages received. Interestingly “I am truly sorry for breaking the silence. I didn’t want to, and I won’t bother you.” Yet you did.

Disclaimer — I posted this story yesterday, but did not think it would be received well without context. I still think it’s an important story to tell, so I’m reposting it with two previous articles I wrote about the same relationship.

This is the reality of love bombing.

Non-members click here to read the full article for free.

We eloped 5 years ago today.

I won’t go into detail other than to say we had to elope because my kids, friends, and family members were all barely speaking to me at that point. I didn’t even know who I would invite.



Long After the Thrill of Living is Gone

Kate is a highly educated, extremely opinionated, mom of four, and grandma of two living in a multi-generational home with enough life experience for TEN lives.