Nobody wants you to become a woman. In fact, what we want is for you to become more masculine. Masculinity, however, does not equal punching things and losing your temper.
Did you know that dads have more influence on how their children turn out than their mothers do? So as a masculine man, it is your job to be there supporting your children and teaching them how to interact with the world around them. That isn't a feminine task.,well%2Dbeing%20and%20self%20confidence.
It's also not women's work to take care of the housework. It's adult responsibilities. Women aren't asking you to do anything you wouldn't have to do if you were living alone. In fact, I know a lot of women who fell in love with a man who lived on his own and had his shit together, but after they got married and moved in together he decided he no longer had to do anything around the house because apparently getting married is akin to hiring an unpaid maid.
I want a man with traditionally masculine traits. I love to feel protected and cared for. But what I do not want to be is a full ass grown man's mother. I often tell men - if you'd have to do it while living alone, you should be doing it while married. That goes for the child rearing tasks as well. If your wife leaves you, you will have the children on your own and you should be managing those tasks inside of the marriage so that you don't have to outside the marriage.
And I couldn't disagree with you more about needing vs. wanting. I needed my children's father. I was financially dependent on him. And I grew to hate him. But I needed him. So I stayed with him - until my very first opportunity to leave. If you think needing someone will force them to stay with you, think again. And living with someone who hates you or whom you hate is miserable. It is far preferable to be in a relationship because you both want to be there.