People tend to be shitty in general. Men and women alike. As you say, I have less experience with women, so I let the men who have been harmed tell their own stories.
I honestly use writing as therapy in some ways. I often don't know what I'll even say before I start writing. Whatever comes up - whether it be my experience or someone close to me that I've been chatting with, or something I read in the news (though I try to avoid the news in general at this point), it's all fair game. And I'm fairly "hot headed" so I just let it all out into the universe and then let it go. I really don't worry about whether it's too broad or overgeneralized, it's just meant to start a conversation.
If you knew me personally, you'd know I'm a debater. I can argue either side of any argument - for better or worse. But if I've chosen a side, I likely have a lot to say. And men have given me, and those closest to me, A LOT of fodder unfortunately.