So potentially you are correct. However, since her prefrontal cortex is likely not fully developed, I would be interested to know how she feels about this once it is. Every indication is that women who are promiscuous, especially to this level have been abused, suffer mental illness, and/or have a physical condition (I heard of a woman who became promiscuous and it turned out she had a brain tumor that was causing her to act differently). The fact is that if she couldn't find 100 or 1,000 men to participate it would be a non issue. But men are happily signing up for their 5 minutes inside their favorite porn star. I think her self deprecating humor says it all. She believes she's nothing but a hole for men to stick their dick into. Regardless of the confident face she presents, she is hurting. It hurts a little less because she now has millions of dollars to comfort herself, but the fact remains - this is not normal behavior.