Some coworkers and I recently had this very discussion and we decided that one of the biggest factors in whether WFH is great for you or not - is what's going on at home. I have the exact opposite living space as you - I live in a multi-generational home with my four adult kids, son-in-law, friend of my son's, two grandkids, and two dogs.
I absolutely love getting to have lunch with whoever is home in the day. I love being available if someone needs to talk for a minute. I love to cuddle my 14-year-old ShihTzu, Bowser, who we rescued after he was abused and then abandoned one year ago.
I go into the office once per week because it is required, and also because I do love my coworkers. But all things equal I much prefer to WFH because of my rich family life. I am an introvert through and through and every Tuesday when I get home from the office I am EXHAUSTED from all of the chit chat and stimuli that I endure there.
I have several coworkers who go into the office every day because of the reasons you outlined, and I'm super grateful that we all have the opportunity to do what works best for us individually.
I think the debate would be much less of a debate if we could all just agree that each person has their own preferences and places where they thrive. I would never begrudge someone who wanted to go into the office far more than I do if that's where they felt most comfortable. And I hope nobody would ever begrudge me wanting to be near my family in an environment where I can control the stimuli to a level that's manageable for me.