Unfortunately I taught my kids the dangers of screens as well as porn and gaming in particular, but the draw is too strong for them at this point. I hope that they will eventually see how unfulfilling it is.
I believe, though, if they were as lonely as they say, they would work towards finding a partner. Dating apps are lazy, the odds are stacked against men, and those who frequent them reek of desperation in many cases. So I truly believe that if men wanted to find connection with a woman they would find other ways.
As it is, they chat with the guys through video games, which fills the socialization need. Yes, maybe they'd still like a female companion, but not enough to find a way.
Obviously it's a complex issue with nuance for each man's individual experience, which I can't possibly cover in one article, but I did want to make it known that there are plenty of men being labeled lonely when the label isn't very accurate.
Thank you for reading and commenting!