Yikes. I hope you really are a boomer and your out-dated ideas die with you.
Imagine believing, even though we are born with higher intelligence (at least most of us anyway), that we are still just animals and can't rise above our animal nature. That's ridiculous on so many levels.
Women were literally charged with deciding who does and does not get to pass on their genes. If we opt to stop having babies, your ideology dies out. When we can no longer find worthy fathers for our offspring, the human species dies out. And WOMEN make those decisions.
You've assigned us a "feminine identity" according to your desires, not our own.
In addition, the only people I've ever needed protection from is men. So how are you simultaneously the predator and the protector?
And if y'all were providing, I wouldn't be single and providing for myself and my offspring. You created a VERY narrow definition of providing (i.e. financially at best) and expect us to swoon? We can do that ourselves. Provide me with something I can't give myself.
Like I said, your ideas are outdated and not based in fact. But please keep on embarrassing yourself. I haven't had a conversation so removed from reality in a long time lol.